Target "Lab Mom"
GOAL: Create a server to receive and manage snitch data.
Data collected but not stored in reasonably secure, accessible form hasn't really been “collected.”
- 24/7 service
- code repository
- does not necessitate mini server box
- deploying on Raspberry Pi is a lab design choice, not a parameter of the service design
Success conditions
- server running somewhere
- collected manual data for some experiment, 3 days
- collected automatic data for 3 days
- server code is shared on CF site
- [ ] create LabMom repo from rapanui ✔
- [ ] sketch out LabMom architecture ✔
- [ ] Decide on a suitable computer board
- are Raspberry Pis still the right choice?
- are they still having supply problems?
- [ ] Acquire the chosen board
- [ ] Build the collection server, based on rapanui
- [ ] Plug it in and test it
What is this box called? Snitchbox? Catchbox? Squeaker? Squeakbox? Computer board requirements - wifi - Linux - sd card - no special compute powers - pi 4B 2GB (runs warm) - pi Zero W - pi 3B or 3B+ (runs cool) - orange pi? - Asus tinkerboard series? - Libre Computer Board AML-S905X-CC (Le Potato) ? - not great reviews on Amazon - or maybe just run a lightweight api on my desktop