There's power in names

So, let's talk about that name: calorie fountain. It conjures to mind an idyllic little garden feature, doesn't it? Burbling away in the corner of the yard and producing an endless supply of sweet nourishment — the very nectar of life, right? Well, the visual might not be right — the actual fountain will be neither small nor pretty — but I’m willing to look past that, because the rest of that imagery is right on point. And that's more important than you might think...

I use the term “calorie fountain” because it manages to convey the essential concept in just 2 words. If you're trying to share an idea with the world, it really helps if you can give it a name that activates the imagination, and this one seems to. People don't have to hear anything more than those two words and it immediately conjures a specific, intriguing image that leaves them wanting to know more.

It definitely motivated me. I'd been pondering this idea since the beginning of the pandemic, but never done anything about it. Then I stumbled across those two words while telling a friend about it, and suddenly I was off my ass, doing research, making plans, building websites...

But I'd love to hear how it landed for you. When you first read those words — calorie fountain — what did you picture? Were you intrigued? And what about your friends? What kind of reactions have you had when you've talked to them about it? What? You haven't told anyone yet? Well what are you waiting for? It’s a totally fun idea to talk about!

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
