Target "Sanity Check"

GOAL: Determine whether it is feasible for an indoor farm to be run by one person in reasonable space and produce enough calories to sustain them indefinitely.


It seems obvious that a person working alone, outdoors, could produce enough food to survive year-round by going hard during the growing season and then storing the excess for the off-season. But in a food crisis, outdoor gardens are vulnerable to pilfering, unpredictable weather, and pests. So Project Calorie Fountain will explore indoor, year-round production.


  • a list of candidate crops
  • a data table measuring the caloric power of each crop

Success conditions

  • multiple potential crops identified
  • requires small enough space to fit inside a single room in a typical family home
  • no special skills required
  • no equipment required that can't be found in a typical hardware store or small town garden center
    • e.g. no fancy electronics, chemicals or materials

Methods used

  • Surveyed the internet for discussions about high-caloric yield crops and built up a list of candidates.
  • Did some independent digging for a few possibilities that I hadn't seen discussed anywhere else.
  • Assembled a spreadsheet of candidates
  • Researched crop yields in bushels/acre or pounds/acre in regional farm reports
  • Researched calories per pound in reputable nutrition databases
  • Converted bushels into pounds for all bushel/acre yield values
  • Gathered approximate seed-to-harvest cycle times for all crops, based on seed supplier data sheets
  • Computed approximate caloric power (cals/sqft/day) for all crops
  • Estimated sqft/person fountain space requirements for each crop (assuming 2000 cal/day/person requirement)
  • Of these, seaweed, salsify, sweet potatoes, potatoes, leeks, and oats all had space needs < 1000 sqft/person
  • But seaweed and salsify require < 1/3 the space of all other candidates

Final Report

Several crops were identified with sufficient yield to meet daily caloric needs indefinitely, in the context of a small-footprint indoor farm.

DELIVERED: Project Calorie Fountain's first delivered document is the Caloric Power Table, version 1.0.


  1. Accept target-sanity as successfully achieved
  2. Create new targets primary targets:
  3. Supporting targets:
    • Target Kratky Tank to build a small kratky growth tank with monitoring equipment
    • Target Seaweed How to find out more about how to grow seaweed
    • source some salsify seeds
    • source some kelp seeds/cuttings
